Referring Physicians

We look forward to collaborating with you to provide the best care for your patients.

Doctor consulting a computer tablet while talking with a patient.

Online Referral Form

Please click the secure link to complete a new patient referral. Your submission will go directly to our designated referral department, and we will promptly reach out to the patient to schedule their appointment.

Online Form

Fax Referral Form

Please download the new patient referral form and fax it to the desired location. Your faxed submission will go directly to our designated referral department, and we will promptly reach out to the patient to schedule their appointment.

PDF Form

Find Your Best Road to Recovery

Take the first step in your journey to recovery with Alabama Cancer Care. Experience compassionate care, advanced treatment and unwavering support right in your community.

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Man and woman holding hands walking on a trail in the woods.An older woman smiling being hugged by a nurse who is also smiling.
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